Perception and Awareness of Industry and Careers

By 2030, the number of people entering the sector has increased due to positive perceptions of employment in the industry and greater awareness of the variety of occupations suited to various skill sets, the diverse communities in which careers are available, and the paths to career advancement.


The number of people entering the sector increases by enhancing positive perceptions of employment in the industry and raising awareness of the variety of careers available.

Increase positive perceptions and address negative perceptions of job seekers and students, targeting the most impactful perceptions for under-represented groups in the economy (regional and national)

Improve the efficacy, scale and scope of agriculture and food processing career promotions, including the targeting of under-represented groups.

Key Performance Indicators


Understanding the perception of the sectors and providing awareness of the opportunities in the agriculture and food and beverage manufacturing sectors is crucial to the growth and sustainability of the industry. 

The Perceptions and Awareness of Industry and Careers Working Group will amplify programs bringing greater awareness of career opportunities in agriculture and food and beverage manufacturing to potential employees, either new comers to Canada, members of underrepresented groups or high school and post secondary institution students. 

The group will also work towards increasing the awareness of the importance of the sector’s GDP contribution with government and other leading industry stakeholders. 

CAHRC is conducting perception and awareness research to investigate perceptions of job seekers who have not traditionally considered careers in the agriculture sector and will recommend strategies for promoting work in the sector to job seekers who have had no connection to the sector. This will inform the development of the strategy by providing insights into the potential of attracting a new source of labour supply.

Learn about the issues

Foundational Themes
  • Infrastructure
  • Competitiveness and Profitability
  • Indigenous
  • Data
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion